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Navigating The System

Empower yourself and take control of your birth experience!

Image by Andrew Neel

What is 'Navigating The System'?


This is an online course that helps you navigate a system that often is not set up for woman-centered care. The NHS maternity services often fail women more and more of us are seeking to take control of our birth experience. I want to help you know your rights and options when recievng care from the NHS. With so many (non evidence based) guidelines in place, it can be hard to achieve a normal birth. Freebirth and wild pregnancies are becoming more common, but many women are reported to social services for their birth choices. I understand the challenges you may face and want to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to navigate an often unforgiving system.


What You'll Learn


Some topics covered in this course are:

  1. What is offered on the NHS

  2. Your rights and options

  3. What can sabotage your birth 

  4. Roles of Midwives and Obstetricians

  5. How to communicate with healthcare professionals 


Why Should I do this course?


Being unsure of your rights and what choices you have when it comes to care during pregnancy and birth can leave you feeling anxious or scared and worried about what to do next. This course offers valuable insight into the mechanisms of the maternity sector. Each module is designed to provide you with knowledge on specific areas of concern, such as understanding the roles of professionals and informed consent along with what options are available to you and how to decline what’s being offered. 


My Aim


The journey of bringing a new life into the world, should be a wonderful and empowering experience. However sometimes these external systems and processes can create barriers and leave you feeling like you have to do it their way. My aim with this course is to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to navigate NHS maternity services with confidence.


Let me help guide you through the maze!

This course can be completed online at a time and pace that is convenient to you. 


The course costs £30. If you are unable to afford this but are struggling to deal with the NHS, please get in touch and we will work something out.


You can get 1-1  birth rights consultation for a discounted price when purchasing the Navigating The System course. See Prices for more details.

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